The Top Ten Lowest Attended Sundays in U. S. Churches

In a recent study, over 400 church leaders identified the Sundays when attendance reliably drops each year. Thom Rainer shares the top 10 lowest attended Sundays. Factors like age, weather, sports schedules, and travel patterns influence declines. Most churches see a consistent annual pattern for their lowest turnout, and understanding these attendance dips can help leaders better prepare for fluctuating numbers.

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Megachurch Scandals Can’t Dethrone their Worship Music

For years, megachurches like Hillsong and Bethel have dominated contemporary Christian worship music. But despite recent scandals, worship leaders continue using songs from these influential churches.

A new study by of over 400 worship leaders in the U.S. and Canada found that few avoid Hillsong and Bethel songs. Only 16% said they were less likely to use Hillsong music, while 27% were less likely to use Bethel. In fact, most said they were still likely to choose songs from these churches.

According to the research, worship leaders often pick songs based on recommendations from peers and personal experiences. Over half said endorsements from friends on social media made them more likely to use a song. Live events and online listening also swayed their choices.

In contrast, a song’s chart success or ties to certain artists didn’t overly influence selections. Worship leaders appear to trust friends and fellow church leaders for ideas rather than top hits or big names.

The study also found opinions mixed on the pace of new worship music. About 40% felt overwhelmed by the dozens of songs released yearly by the top churches. But over a quarter wanted even more options.

Few worship leaders believed songs were written mainly with churches in mind or divine inspiration. Over half thought life experiences motivated songwriters instead. Still, worship leaders weighed each song individually rather than dismissing particular artists or churches.

The research highlights how social connections shape worship leaders’ song choices, often unconsciously. But personal meaning and community impact remain key factors too. Worship leaders may rely on megachurch hits for practical reasons despite ethical concerns.

Worship Team: Developing Stage Presence

Leading worship requires more than musical skill – it demands strong stage presence. Mark Cole offers tangible tips to help worship team singers and musicians boost their confidence and connect with congregations during church services. From understanding song messages to making eye contact, Cole covers key areas like body language, interacting with other team members, projecting confidence, and being authentic. Whether you’re an aspiring worship leader or seasoned musician, this practical advice will help you improve your stage presence and lead others into passionate worship.

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How to Introduce New Songs Part 2

Introducing unfamiliar worship songs can be daunting, but thoughtful planning and preparation can set your congregation up for success. Chris Denning shares practical guidance for worship leaders seeking to integrate new music. Just as a football coach structures plays around the team’s strengths, Chris advises getting to know your church’s identity and leanings when selecting songs. He offers tips like connecting with long-time members, listening to feedback, and collaborating with your team. While personal preferences shouldn’t dictate choices, Chris cautions against anonymous complaints. Approach new song integration with care and strategy to give your church a stronger foothold.

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Quotes About Worship

Jonathan Swindal has curated a collection of profound quotes about worship from influential Christian voices. His blog post examines how worship changes us into the image of God, fuels both intimacy with Jesus and service to the world, and intertwines gazing upon the Lord with joining in His work. Whether you’re a worship leader desiring a refreshed perspective or a member of a congregation seeking a deeper worship experience, Swindal’s compilation of insightful quotes will ignite your passion for the Lord. Let these words point you to the Word Himself and encounter Him through a transformed worship life.

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[PODCAST] The Art of Working with (Almost) Anyone

Developing strong staff relationships is vital for effective ministry, but it’s not always easy when people have different personalities and agendas. In this unSeminary podcast, leadership coach Michael Bungay Stanier offers practical guidance on improving your most challenging work relationships.

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Lifeway Pauses Plans to Shutter After Backlash

The online resource, which provides church choirs and worship teams access to more than 3,000 songs as well as instrumental arrangements, sheet music, and chord charts, had announced it would shut down at the end of September.

Lifeway, the publishing arm of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), made the initial decision citing a desire to “focus its resources on areas where we can faithfully serve more churches in greater breadth and depth.”

However, Lifeway has now reversed course and announced it will pause plans to shutter

In an interview on the SBC This Week podcast, Lifeway president Ben Mandrell said the provider would instead enter into a time of discussion with worship leaders around the country on the best path forward for churches.

“Our job at Lifeway is to be coupled to the church and to be in tune with the church. And we clearly missed it on this one,” Mandrell said.

He acknowledged Lifeway did not properly communicate the original decision or give worship leaders a chance to provide input. Now the site will remain operational while Lifeway has listening sessions to understand its value and find potential solutions.

“I’m really sorry to all those in the trenches who are trying to pull Sunday off and now are kind of freaking out because they don’t know how they’re going to have their music ready,” Mandrell said.

The previous director, Mike Harland, said the development of began with a conversation about the future of the Baptist Hymnal. Harland and his staff wanted to imagine a new, online future for Baptist church music.

Many ministers and music directors expressed dismay when the closure was first announced, as they relied on for its high-quality, affordable arrangements.

Now worship leaders will have a chance to provide input on how the site can best serve their needs going forward. Lifeway Worship has no plans to stop producing new music or musical arrangements after August 2023 as originally stated.

While the future of the site remains uncertain, Mandrell’s reversal provides hope that this valuable worship resource may continue serving churches for years to come. Lifeway now aims to have collaborative discussions to determine the best path forward.

What Style of Music Is Best for Your Church?

What does worship truly look like? Jonathan Mason challenges us to expand our perspectives on musical worship beyond the contemporary “standards” we’ve created. Through a transformative experience in Jamaica, he realized that worship extends far beyond acoustic guitars and drum sets. Mason calls us to evaluate if our chosen musical styles are actually uniting congregations and pointing them to Christ. He urges churches to discuss the “why” of sung worship and not just debates over style. Thoughtfully reflecting on the purpose and function of music can reinvigorate our corporate gatherings.

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