10 Tips to a Better Rehearsal, Part 1

Your worship team rehearsal is critical. It doesn’t just prepare the team musically, but it also begins to create the environment of worship for Sunday. A poor rehearsal doesn’t mean Sunday is going to tank. However, it is a strong indicator of how things could go if the team doesn’t pull things together by the service.

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What Does the Future of Church Look Like?

PODCAST: Churches are evolving to meet people where they are and stay relevant. Kenny Jahng and DJ Chuang discuss various ways emerging churches embrace technology and serve a digital-first generation. If you want to ponder the future of the church, dive into this episode of the Church Online Podcast.

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Audio Troubleshooting Tips

Technical skill is required to set up, maintain, and run church sound systems, as well as troubleshoot any glitches that might occur. Live sound environments like Sunday morning worship can present a multitude of challenges and issues that require a quick response. Pastors, choirs, musicians and guest speakers rely on a quality sound system to clearly carry and broadcast their messages during services and events. Things can go wrong, so how do we fix them or prepare for them?

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The Life Cycle of a Pastor (Updated)

Do you know what stage of ministry you are in as a pastor? Do you know how to navigate the challenges and opportunities that each stage presents? In this article, Thom Rainer updates his classic research on the life cycle of a pastor, based on thousands of conversations with pastors over the years. He identifies five stages that most pastors go through, from the honeymoon stage to the legacy stage, and offers practical insights and advice on how to thrive in each one.

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Find Unity & Community Through Music in Worship

As worship leaders, we often strive to bring our church together in unity and community through music. Explore how to create a shared experience among those in the worship service that will foster a sense of togetherness. By utilizing music, we can help create an atmosphere of connection and belonging that encourages participation from your congregation.

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Engaging Your Church—What Songs To Sing (And How Often)

In the Worship Workshop Podcast, host John Nicol and special co-host Peter Newman discuss the importance of managing song lists and rotating songs in order to engage a church congregation. They explain that churches need to repeat songs multiple times in a short period for them to become familiar and heartfelt. This way, congregations can sing from their hearts rather than relying on screens.

The podcast introduces a system called “Song Cycle,” which divides songs into three phases: Learn, Churn, and Burn. In the Learn phase, new songs are introduced and repeated frequently to help the congregation catch on. Once people begin singing from their hearts, the song moves into the Churn phase, where it is performed less often but still maintains momentum. Finally, when a song becomes well-known enough that it might lose its impact if played too often, it enters the Burn phase.

According to Nicol and Newman’s guidelines, tier one (Learn) songs should be played five to six times in two months; tier two (Churn) songs should be played about once a month; and tier three (Burn) songs should be played about once per quarter. The hosts emphasize that different churches will have different preferences for how long each phase lasts.

In addition to these tiers, they also mention other categories of music like hymns or classics—songs that can be pulled out occasionally but still resonate with congregations because they have stood the test of time.

Overall, managing song lists effectively can make a significant difference in engaging churchgoers during worship services by providing them with familiar music sung from their hearts instead of just reading off screens.

To help congregations learn new songs, John suggests having team members practice the song first for several weeks before introducing it to the congregation during pre-service or communion time. This allows the team to gain confidence in performing the song and also exposes it to early attendees. Additionally, playing recordings of upcoming songs during service transitions can help introduce them subconsciously.

When deciding when to retire a song, John recommends evaluating whether the song has been planned or missed within a few quarters (three-month periods). If it hasn’t been scheduled in that time frame and nobody seems to miss it, then it may be time to let go of the song. However, preferences play a role in this decision-making process; talking with others about their opinions on certain songs can provide valuable insight.

John emphasizes that serving the church community should take precedence over personal preferences when choosing which songs to include or retire from their repertoire. The goal is always for people attending services to connect with music and participate more actively in worship through singing together.

Top 10 Prayer Songs For Powerful Worship

Prayer is a vital part of Christian worship and life. It is a way of communicating with God and expressing our gratitude, praise, confession, and requests. But how can we pray effectively and powerfully? How can we use music to enhance our prayer experience? In this blog post, you will discover some of the best prayer songs for powerful worship. You will learn about the biblical basis, the musical style, and the practical application of each song. Whether you are looking for songs to sing in your personal devotions, your small group, or your church service, you will find some inspiring and uplifting options here. From classic hymns to modern worship hits, these songs will help you connect with God and grow in your faith.

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How Song Selection Shapes a Congregation’s Spiritual Experience

On our spiritual journeys, we all crave those precious moments of peace and connection with something greater than ourselves. Worship leaders hold a special place in helping congregations experience this by creating an atmosphere that encourages reflection, prayer, and communion with the divine. So let’s explore how we can touch the hearts of our communities through song, service, and genuine connection, fostering a deeper understanding of faith.

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