Easter Roadmap

Easter Sunday Roadmap


With Easter Sunday soon approaching, it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of what to expect during your service. As always, planning is the key to a smooth worship experience!

Starting with Music

Unlike some churches that start with a welcome, starting with music sets the tone for the service and gives latecomers a chance to settle in. Give a brief welcome as the music begins, then have your official welcome right before the preaching. Aim for a praise set of 3-5 songs, mixing familiar favorites (both hymns and choruses) and special songs for the day. Easter is NOT the time to introduce new songs! Cherry-pick the favorites your congregation loves.

Offering and Announcements

Don’t just call it an “announcement time,” it’s more than that. This is your chance to welcome guests, share your church’s mission and show its impact through a real-life story, then ask for support. Make this moment impactful – leave the standard housekeeping announcements for your email newsletter or social media. Maintaining a visitor-focused mindset will help you keep this time in your service on point.


Easter is one of the few times each year when people who don’t regularly attend church are more likely to visit. Consider keeping sermons short on holidays when people, particularly children, can be distracted and restless. As you prepare, consider not only what your congregation needs to hear, but also what those visiting who might be unfamiliar with Jesus need to hear. The Easter sermon has the potential to capture their attention and interest, so work to present it in a concise and impactful way.

Follow Up

Most churches will be giving an invitation for people to surrender their lives to Jesus. Take a moment to think about what that process looks like, not just on Easter Sunday, but in the days after. Give them a Bible and devotional, get their contact info and have a follow-up plan. If nobody decides to accept Jesus this Easter, that’s okay. All you have to do is share the Gospel and leave the rest to God. It can take a few times of hearing the Good News before someone is ready to accept Christ.

Bottom Line: Easter Sunday is a time to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus and to reflect on His death and the hope that it brings. Having a clear Easter roadmap helps you give your congregation and guests an opportunity to experience the joy of Easter in a meaningful way without distraction.


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