
Great Script For A Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

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Mark Cole shares his Christmas Eve service plans:

Pastors and Worship Leaders: Are you looking for a script that really works for a one hour Christmas Eve Service(s)? Here’s one that I developed and have used successfully. You are free to copy and use it. I’ve also added links to the songs and media.

Apple Cider in the foyer (with Christmas music playing)

(In auditorium) Christmas Music Playing with
Video loop: ‘Christmas Tree Snow Loop’

(5 min. before) Christmas Around the World Video count-down

Screen Background Bethlehem small star:

(Stage lights up)

Worship Leader: Greeting and welcome

(House lights down)

3 Singers: 5 Piece Band: 3 Narrators (Stage Left):

Congregational Song: Joy The World/Unspeakable Joy

Congregational Song: Away In A Manger

(Narrator 1 standing with music stand & light w/spotlight)

Narrator 1: Scripture readings: The Birth Of Jesus (all scripture readings are on the screen: Bethlehem small star background)

(While this is read: Mary & Joseph & baby (played by kids) come to the manger)

(Luke 2:1-7)

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Essential reading for worship leaders since 2002.


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