How many songs do you use in your worship services? Take the poll below.
Some churches like Hillsong might have an hour of worship music. Some megachurches have a praise set of 4-5 songs with another song during the offering right before the sermon. This offering song may be more of a “special” – a CCM artist song or secular song that fits the theme of the sermon.
Other megachurches (with mega-egos of the mega-pastor) can only afford 2 or, at most, 3 songs total so there can be 45 minutes or more for that all-important sermon. (One megachurch worship leader lamented they were lately only allowed ONE song a week since the pastor was on a long-winded tear with his latest sermon series! Can you imagine paying top dollar for the best band in town… to play one song!?)
When I started years ago at a contemporary church planted by a traditional Presbyterian church we could only manage a 3 song praise set – the congregation just wasn’t acclimated to longer sets. As time went on and the congregation started getting “into” worship music we were able to do 4-5 songs each week.
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