How to Put Together an Engaging Setlist

website creator Creating the perfect worship setlist week after week can feel overwhelming – but it doesn’t have to be! This comprehensive guide takes the pressure off and helps you rediscover the joy in crafting engaging worship experiences. Whether you’ve been leading worship for years or just getting started, you’ll find practical wisdom mixed with spiritual insights that will transform your approach to setlist building.

In this article, you’ll learn:
• How to strike the perfect balance between familiar songs and new material
• Smart tips for choosing song keys that work for both your team and transitions
• Why copying other churches’ setlists isn’t always the answer (and what to do instead)
• The secret to executing songs well while staying flexible enough to follow the Spirit
• Practical ways to create authentic worship experiences that fit YOUR church’s unique DNA
• How to let go of the pressure to be “perfect” and create space for God to move

Get ready to approach your next worship setlist with renewed confidence and creativity!

Read the full article.


Essential reading for worship leaders since 2002.


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