
Leading Worship: “Why don’t they get it?!”

Gary Durbin on struggling with a congregation who doesn’t seem to worship:

“Don’t they love God?”

If you’ve been a worship leader for any amount of time, you’ll experience and/or ask questions like these eventually.

I know I have…MANY, MANY times throughout the last several years.

There’s been times where I’ve walked away from a service and felt defeated.

I’ve felt like a failure.


Because the church, for whatever reason, just wasn’t into worshiping together in song that day.

It’s discouraging…it’s hard to grasp, especially if you’re a worship leader that’s passionate about this crazy, awesome and sometimes frustrating thing called corporate worship.

Well…I want to…need to write this post.

Not just for other worship leaders, but for this worship leader.

One thing that has been consistent throughout my years leading worship is the inconsistency of focus and intensity in worship services and churches. It would be easy, if we could just walk in every Sunday to an atmosphere and crowd like the ones that flock to Chris Tomlin and Hillsong United concerts. It would be fun and effortless, but that’s just not the reality of a church.

A church is like a family. Some days are better than others. Some days I come home from work and my wife, kids and the dog meet me at the door like I’m Ward Cleaver, so glad to see their Husband and Dad, as I walk into the sweet aroma of a delicious dinner.

Then there are days when I come home and the kids are driving my lovely wife to near insanity and the dog pukes on the carpet, because he got into some chocolate left out.

It’s not always ideal, but it’s real.

Church is the same way.

Continue reading.


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