Mastering Worship Vocal Processing with Kade Young

Kade Young, founder of Collaborate Worship, is here to demystify the process of vocal processing using the Allen and Heath QU mixer.

The Man Behind the Mission

Kade’s journey into the intricacies of church sound began when he helped his father start a church. Faced with overwhelming sound issues, he embarked on a mission to find solutions. Through trial and error, Kade discovered techniques that work “really well,” and now he’s sharing his knowledge to save others from learning the hard way.

The Importance of Vocal Processing

As any worship leader knows, clear, powerful vocals are crucial for engaging the congregation. Kade emphasizes that proper vocal processing can transform your worship experience, ensuring that every word is heard and felt.

EQ: The Foundation of Great Vocal Sound

Kade starts his tutorial by addressing EQ. He recommends:

1. Apply a high-pass filter around 200 Hz to clean up the low end.
2. Cut around 365 Hz by about 6 dB to remove muddiness.

“Listen carefully,” Kade advises. “Each voice is unique, so trust your ears and adjust accordingly.”

Compression: Keeping Vocals Consistent

Next, Kade dives into compression, using a soft knee Auto slow opto setting on the QU mixer. He suggests:

1. Adjust the threshold until you see 6-12 dB of gain reduction.
2. Be cautious: “If you can hear the compression working, you’ve gone too far,” Kade warns.

The Power of Presets

One of Kade’s time-saving tips is creating and using presets. “Save your vocal processing chain as a preset,” he recommends. “It’ll give you a great starting point for different vocalists, saving you time during sound check.”

Adding the Final Touch with Reverb

Kade demonstrates three types of reverb:
1. Plate reverb for vocals
2. Hall reverb for depth
3. Room reverb for drums

“A little reverb goes a long way in creating a polished sound,” Kade notes. “But remember, in worship, clarity should always come first.”

Real-World Application

Kade’s techniques aren’t just theory – they’re battle-tested in real church environments. He encourages worship leaders to adapt these techniques to their specific needs and to train volunteer sound technicians in these basics.

Join the Collaborate Worship Community

Kade’s passion for helping churches achieve great sound shines through in every aspect of Collaborate Worship. “We’re all in this together,” he says. “My goal is to make it easy for you to create great sound in your church.”

For those looking to dive deeper, Kade offers additional resources:
1. A popular Vocal EQ cheat sheet (downloaded by over 10,000 people!)
2. The comprehensive QU Mastery course

Remember, great sound doesn’t happen by accident. With these tips from Kade Young and Collaborate Worship, you’re well on your way to elevating your church’s sound and, by extension, the worship experience for your congregation.


Essential reading for worship leaders since 2002.


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