
Pastor Calms Man During Church Threat


The moment Rasheed Abdul Aziz, of Jacksonville, walked into the Corinth Missionary Baptist Church, the pastor knew there was a problem.

“Every hair on my neck just stood up,” the Rev. John D. Johnson III, 45, said Monday. “It was almost like you could just like feel the presence of just negative energy.”

Aziz, 40, was sweating profusely. He had camouflage fatigue pants, camo boots, a black T-shirt and a tactical vest with a canteen hanging from it. Tattoos covered his neck and arms.

He talked about being a “man of Islam” and having demons chasing him, Johnson said.

“You’re here at the church. What can we do for you?” Johnson told him.

Aziz gave his full name and started yelling about how his God had authorized him to take lives. He talked about how it was OK for him to kill any Christian or Jew who conflicted with what Islam said. And he used the term infidels.

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