When New Songs Fall Flat

Ever felt the sting of introducing a killer new worship song, only to hear… silence? You’re not alone.

Picture this: You’ve spent weeks perfecting that hot new tune. The band’s on fire. You’re ready to rock Sunday morning. But when the moment comes? Crickets. Awkward stares. Maybe a few half-hearted mumbles.


But don’t toss that song just yet! This eye-opening article reveals 3 game-changing tips to get your congregation singing along – and loving it.

You’ll discover:

  • The surprising reason your “radio-ready” arrangement might be falling flat
  • A sneaky 60-second trick to hook people before you even start playing
  • Why patience (and repetition) might be your secret weapon

Plus, learn the counterintuitive approach that turns new songs from interruptions into invitations to deeper worship.

Whether you’re a seasoned worship leader or just starting out, these practical strategies will revolutionize how you introduce new music. Get ready to transform those crickets into a chorus of praise!

Bonus: Find out why sometimes a “flop” isn’t really a failure at all.

Read the full article.


Essential reading for worship leaders since 2002.


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