Why Vacation Bible School Is as Important Now as Ever

He’s known simply as “Brother Bob” to all of Bradenton, and at 88 years old, this retired pastor’s passion for evangelism burns brighter than ever. Just a couple years ago, he personally brought children to VBS – and watched with joy as two of them accepted Christ.

His story is a powerful reminder of why Vacation Bible School remains one of the most vital outreach events a church can host. This insightful article dives into the often-overlooked reasons VBS is so important, starting with its incredible intergenerational impact.

You’ll discover how for one intense week, a multi-generational “army” unites around the central purpose of sharing the gospel with children from the community. From giving neighborhood families an open door to the church, to providing men a unique chance to unleash their inner kid – the role VBS plays extends far beyond cotton ball crafts.

But most compelling is the legacy VBS creates. The author shares his hopes of following in “Brother Bob’s” footsteps decades from now – still bringing children year after year to hear the life-changing good news.

If you’ve been tempted to dismiss VBS as just another kids’ program, this article will radically reset your perspective. It’s a heartfelt call to recognize the eternal impact a simple week can have when a church unites to introduce children to Jesus.

Read the full article.


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