
Why You Need To Add Tithing Online

Jeremy Smith asks if we really need to have the offering plate present to make our regular gift to the church holy.

It would seem that tech is being used for many great ways in church including youth ministry games, digital communications, and safety checks for our children. Yet, I am experiencing a huge resistance to technology in a very unusual location, in online giving. It would seem that tithing online is somehow different than any other payments online with Amazon, iTunes, Chase, or eBay. But do we really need to have the offering plate present to make our regular gift to the church holy? Nope.

So let me first recommend one of our sponsors, MoGiv, how understand the power of online giving and what it means for the church. And secondly, let me share below 14 stats on why you need to seriously consider online giving.

  • Online giving to ministries increased by 18.1% in 2013. You might be missing out because you don’t adopt this.
  • Donors acquired online who give through multiple channels are worth up to 3 times more than those who give through a single channel. (i.e triple giving for these donors)

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