
Worship Leaders, Take This Challenge From Isaiah

Kristen Gilles shares wisdom from her grandmother.

Five years ago I was helping my mom clean out my grandparents’ house after my papaw passed away. I discovered a trove of treasures in my mamaw’s nightstand: a box full of scripture cards handwritten or typewritten by my mamaw and organized by theme. This was part of my inheritance and I was delighted to lay hold of it. My mamaw was a woman of great grace and faith, overflowing with love for the Lord and His Word. She was full of God’s Word too. It flowed out of her in songs and poems she wrote to the Lord, and it filled her conversations with family and friends as she spoke encouraging, timely words to heart after weary heart.

When I found her handwritten card for Isaiah 50:4, it occurred to me that my mamaw likely prayed this Scripture throughout her life as a believer.

“The Lord God has given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him who is weary. He wakens me morning by morning. He opens my ear to hear as the learned.” – Isaiah 50:4 (NKJV)

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