
Contemporary Communion

by Don Chapman Communion services are a mainstay in the mainlines, but many non-denom contemporary churches rarely if ever observe the sacrament. These churches are often “seeker driven” or “seeker sensitive.” In other words, they don’t do anything too churchy…
Starting with Click Tracks

Click Track Magic

I’ve discovered one of the secrets to why the big megachurches have (usually)…

Songwriting Horror

I have a tale of horror that will terrify every Christian songwriter! Songwriters,…

Rocking Grandma

Over the past few weeks as I’ve been teaching worship conference classes I’ve…

Acoustic Praise

Normally when I plan music for church I want to soup it up…

Time for Change

Part 1 | Part 2 No, this isn’t an endorsement for Obama! It…

Praise Band Paradox

by Don Chapman There’s a curious phenomenon among churches of different sizes. Small…


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